Here & There

May 19, 2011



The studyranger has succeeded =) Yes, I passed all the written exams and I am super stoked about it. The results weren't that bad and I am super content and happy. Nevertheless. I'm just half way through this whole Matura-thingy. The oral exams are in around three weeks and I have to prepare for them as well but I guess that won't be much of a drag, I hope. I have already gotten used to not going to school. Well, I am no student anymore, that's for sure so that feeling is pretty much justified. Now with the written exams passed, I can really, really, really look forward to plan the interior of my new room =) I'm psyched and I can't wait to got to IKEA with my lovely Walari and ze Lovebirds. Today seems like such a good day, I don't know. I only had somewhat four hours of sleep but school wasn't a drag at all. I had my preparation lessons and they were quite educative. Even though I almost humiliated myself in front of my class since I had to present a Case Study I just kept cool and changed my attitude towards it. I saw it as an exercise for the orals. I can make mistakes now and I gladly welcomed criticism and I liked learning from it. Furthermore I had an interesting morning since I had religion preparation lessons. I like, I like. I haven't been in such a good mood in ages actually. I might be pretty tired but other than that I am happy. Maybe the sweet taste of success just tastes great. I have pretty much achieved everything I wanted. Keep smilin'.

=] <3 don't forget to smile.

JA, ich habe die schriftliche Matura bestanden! Ich bin extremst glücklich, da ich jetzt endlich die ganzen Rechnungswesen und BWL Sachen aus meinen Augen schaffen kann. Deutsch ist auch überraschenderweise total zufriedenstellend geworden. Ich freu mich einfach total. Ob Französisch nun ein dreier oder ein vierer wird, ist mir grundgelegen egal, da ich so und so durch bin und kein Schwein das Maturazeugnis anschauen wird. Endlich mit dieser Schule abschließen ist einfach ein gutes Gefühl. Zwar ist erst die Halbzeit zu Ende, da noch die mündlichen Prüfungungen bevor stehen, aber das wird sich schon irgendwie einrenken. Ich habe die verdammte BWDA geschafft, da schaffe ich den Rest doch irgendwie auch. Heute bin ich zur Abwechslung einmal total gut drauf, trotz der 4 Stunden, die ich geschlafen habe. Jedenfalls, die Glücksgefühle sind einfach total genial und ich kann wiedermal sogar das schöne Wetter genießen. YÄY. Wonderwoman hat's gepackt =)

=] <3 don't forget to smile.

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