Here & There

November 27, 2011


As for me, reality always has a way of knocking hard on my door. You are intoxicated by the happiness you feel at the moment but at the same time wait for something that kills the moment because it just seems too good to be true. How right that is because life can't always be happy-go-lucky. Bless the people who do have a happy-go-lucky life though. At the moment, I feel as if I'm put on a trust test. On one hand trusting people who are close to my heart and on the other hand trusting the one and only up there. I have always had to learn things the hard way and I used to accept that aspect in my life but nowadays I find it harder than I used to. That is where the trust plays a role because if I have enough trust in His plan then I wouldn't have to hold a grudge against everyone that try to interfere in my plans and I'm in no position to make selfish decisions or be selfish at all. What ever happens lies in His hands and that's that.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:56

=] <3 don't forget to smile.