Here & There

February 13, 2012

Alright, alright, alriiiiiiiighhtt: Oslo 06/02/ - 13/02/

Heei, dear friends! Haven't posted a lot lately and that's because right after the uni stress I got to go to Oslo and spend some time with my norwegian dork and relax. I was pretty nervous flying by myself since it was the first time ever but I managed. I got that little help from Dora, the Explorer in me! The first couple of days were just basically hanging out and eating out - a lot. It was great food and great fun. The food part though, will get an extra post because I've taken so many food pictures. I was really stoked getting to see Oslo and just by thinking back although the city is rather small you get to places really easily. People who enjoy walking around as I do, will enjoy as much. The people were nice and I was really excited about going into the stores and see what they offer. Of course, they offer EVERYTHING VTown doesn't offer. The weather was just alright. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be and I am kind of happy that I was there and not in much-colder-Vienna. Anyways, I was so excited to meet all of Jas' friends and I was psyched about how warmly they welcomed me as well as meeting YFL-Norway! Great meeting you guys and I can't wait to see you in Lübeck! It was a great week with lots of laughs and new places to see.

Thanks bunches Club Apartment, Maggie, the BAWS-Gang, De Claro family and eeeeeeeeeveryone else for making my stay awesome! I'm sure coming back, bet on that!

Boyfi got me floweeeeers for our 2/12 :)

Cinema date: The Descendants - really good movie.

Messing around at MONKI
The Palace

Picture: @helloimjasper on Insta.gram

Silly billy! Since I totally forgot to take a picture with Emilio, I just took it this way! *tuller*

Club Apartment <3

Yeah, I'm spoiled like that!

Ate Aiza =)

Lise =)
Seeeeeeeaan =)

He got that EMO-Hair!

Maggie =)

Agness =)

Picture: @helloimjasper on Insta.gram

=] <3 don't forget to smile.