I've just finished watching this awesome and inspiring documentary of Demi Lovato's time of struggle.
This person isn't just another Disney Channel actress, she is so much more than that. But looking past her career and looking at her as a person she has accomplished so much more than every other teenager has. She struggled with eating disorders, depression and self-harming and through treatment she decided to live life.
Demi has inspired so many young girls and I am glad that she spoke up and openly talked about her problems since nowadays, problems are just swept under the carpet, left unsaid or just swallowed down.
It takes courage and the will to act as a role model but you can be one if you want to change the world we live in. Maybe it is God's purpose for you to be here on Earth. Always think you are down here for a greater purpose. Embrace it and live!
You might want to take a little bit of your time and watch the documentary here.
=] <3 don't forget to smile.