Here & There
May 11, 2012
I have always been quite a hater of FB's new timeline but now that I have gotten used to it, it isn't that terrible anymore. Besides, I figured out how social I used to be when everything started. I used to be in touch with the most random people but it is always nice to catch up with people you have known for a long time. It has been pretty silly of me to sort of narrowing my comfort zone even more by only hanging out with the same people. Of course, they are my very best friends but with the freedom they give me to hang out with other people, why don't I just take the chance and do so?
And I myself felt that something was missing. Especially when it came to broaden my interest horizons.
I was a fool and I want to apologise to everyone who I hurt with my stupidity and selfishness. Trying my best to make it up to you guys in this very minute... or better when my FB stops acting up.
So yeah, I do want to thank Mark Zuckerberg for the realisation that I have been quite a divajerk the past couple of years! But with that realisation I think I will hit some people up that I know are worth the effort!
I remain with a sunny day and
=] <3 don't forget to smile.